myclimate Uganda | WINTER & COMPANY


WINTER & COMPANY donates 1% of the turnover of TOILE OCEAN to a clean water project in Uganda. We support a myclimate project, which at the same time contributes to climate protection.

Unfortunately, in many places, clean drinking water is not a given. This is why we invest 1% of TOILE OCEAN's turnover in projects for clean drinking water. In Uganda, myclimate equips poorer households and institutions such as schools with new technologies for drinking water purification. More than 210,000 pupils benefit from the installed water filters. Thanks to the environmentally friendly technology, less firewood and charcoal is used, which in turn saves CO2. Waste is reduced in the schools because the pupils no longer have to bring plastic bottles. This climate protection project therefore pays several times over into a sustainable future. This clean water project improves the living conditions and health of thousands of people in Uganda.

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